Remember those fun valentines you’d be so excited to give your
friends back in grade school? I can
remember handing out my Barbie valentines to all the kids, boys included. Hey, they made Ken ones too! Back then I only cared about Barbie’s perfect
saying and her matching outfit on the card.
I never seemed to think about was the message; that was, until I took a
Writing and Visual Arts class last spring. It was at that point that I took a completely
different look at Valentines.

Looking through the Valentines that lay on the desk that
day, I didn’t find any varying from that norm.
There were all sorts spread over the desk. Some with real pictures of couples “in
love”, some with hearts and teddy bears, a couple with clever sayings like the
ones above, and then there was one that really caught my eye.
It was lying there, near the edge of the desk, untouched
among all the other valentines. Other
students lingered around the desk and got near it, but never seemed to even give
it a second glance. So that’s just what
I did; and as I got closer, it got even worse.
From a distance I had noticed a young girl, almost looking like a rag
doll, grasping a puppy in her arms. But, as I leaned in closer, I noticed those
bulging eyes and with the help of my imagination I created what I believe to be
one of the most disturbing anti-valentines.
I could try to describe my valentine creation to you, but I think it may
be easier if you just see it for yourself.
Beware: viewer discretion is advised. The message reads:
Roses are
Violets are
What you’re
about to read,
Is completely
you’ve said,
Has been my
Your ears
may soon bleed,
But I’ve
been watching you.
Now before
you’re dead,
Cause your
moments are few,
Know my love
is guaranteed,
Since your
time is almost due.
Now don’t
you heed,
To me
something I need,
Like the
morning needs dew.
Roses are
Violets are
I’ve planted
my seed,
I’ll be
watching you. J
I’m sorry if I toyed with your view of Valentine’s Day. I promise, the poem is fictional. But, this Valentine’s Day I encourage you to experiment
with your imagination. Maybe don’t make
it this extreme, but impress your friends, your significant other, or that
co-worker you’ve been trying to make an impression on since the day you’ve
met. Surprise them by just creating a
tiny, unexpected twist on your own personal valentine. Whether you wish to attempt and
anti-valentine or just create your own valentine here is a website to get you
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